Substance-Free Holiday Celebration Ideas

Staying Festive this Season

When you are in recovery, navigating the holiday season can be a difficult task. There are often parties and gatherings where people indulge in festive foods, crafty cocktails, and other substances. However, these celebratory environments can often be triggering for those who have struggled or are currently struggling with substance use.

Here are other ways to stay festive this season while remaining substance-free:

Host a Game Night

Game nights are a great way to bring friends and family together for a night of fun. Whether you plan to play board games, card games, or video games, this night is guaranteed to be full of laughs. Prepare some popular sodas and snacks, and plan which games you want to play in advance. This adds structure to the evening and allows everyone to create new memories entertainingly.

Host a Themed Party

Celebrate the holidays…with a twist! Host a party with a unique theme like Through the Decades, Tropical Paradise, your favorite movie characters, or ugly sweaters. Whatever theme you choose, you can plan for the music, food, and decorations to match. By being the party’s host, you are in control of the menu to ensure the night remains substance-free.

Host a Movie Night

Pop some popcorn, grab some candy and get cozy in your pajamas for a holiday movie night! There are various movies to choose from, so pick one from a hat to decide which to watch first. If you feel creative, you can even set up a fort of sheets and pillows for extra comfort. Movie nights are usually calmer, quieter, and more relaxing than other celebrations, which is a perfect recipe for those looking for something more laid-back.

Flexible Treatment Options at Chattanooga Recovery Center

At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we offer various treatment programs to meet your preferences and needs. Our partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and nighttime outpatient treatment programs are designed to target every area of your life and provide you with the comfort and guidance you need.

For more information on our treatment options, contact us online or call our facility at (423) 226-5331 today.


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