Chattanooga Inhalant Rehab Therapy
Today Can Be the First Day of Your Recovery
Chattanooga Recovery Center located near the heart of Chattanooga, Tennessee is here to help you overcome your inhalant addiction. Although abusing any sort of drug or alcohol is dangerous, inhalant abuse is especially dangerous because such substances can directly affect the brain once deeply inhaled through the nose. It is critical that you fight your addiction as soon as possible to prevent harm or further injury. Let’s take the first step today.
Call (423) 226-5331 now to learn about our inhalant rehab programs.
Recovery Is Hard. We Help Make it Easier.
At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we walk alongside you as you work to overcome your addiction to live a sober life.
What are Inhalants?
An inhalant is any substance that is inhaled to achieve some sort of altered mental state or to address a medical need. Some inhalants can be prescribed, like an asthma inhaler, but most people who are addicted to inhalants misuse household products that can be sniffed and huffed. Everything from aerosol sprays and permanent glues to gasoline and cleaners are frequently the sources of inhalant addictions.
What Harm Do Inhalants Cause?
The damage done to the user by an inhalant will depend on what has been inhaled. Some substances will do minimal or gradual damage, but others can cause immediate harm. In either case, repeated use is dangerous and could cause lifelong consequences.
Short-term effects of inhalant abuse include:
- Temporary speech impediment
- Dizziness and a loss of balance
- Headache or migraine
- Nausea or vomiting
Certain inhalants are capable of causing permanent memory loss, too, especially when regarding memories closely linked to a certain scent. An inhalant can also cause the user to hallucinate for minutes or hours, which can place them in a heightened state of paranoia.
Long-term effects of inhalant abuse include:
- Liver failure
- Kidney damage
- Loss of smell or hearing due to sinus damage
- Permanent nerve damage
- Lung cancer or disease
- Brain death
How Can You Tell If You’re Addicted to Inhalants?
A single use of an inhalant that has not been prescribed is an indicator of a serious problem. If you have huffed, sniffed, or inhaled a household product just to feel “high” from its effects, then you could already be addicted to it. Please seek our help today if you need to fight your inhalant addiction.
Explore Our Inhalant Addiction Treatments
Your recovery from inhalant addiction is possible, but you have to take the first step toward it. Chattanooga Recovery Center would be honored to guide you down that path. We have a variety of treatment programs that could work for you, including but not limited to an intensive outpatient program (IOP) and a medication-assisted program. Call (423) 226-5331 to discuss our programs with one of our addiction recovery professionals.
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Real Recovery
At Chattanooga Recovery Center your recovery is possible, and we are here to help.
- Miles Neal & Jim Huber