Brain Mapping

Identifying & Treating Patterns of Addiction

At Chattanooga Recovery Center in Tennessee, we offer innovative and unique holistic treatment programs designed to help you achieve sobriety in effective, scientifically proven ways. One of these techniques is called brain mapping. By viewing and focusing in on your brain’s visual patterns using advanced technology, our team can help you shift your negative thinking to create healthier brain waves and a happier you.

Call us 24/7 at (423) 226-5331 to learn how brain mapping and the other therapies we offer can help you overcome addiction.

Recovery Is Hard. We Help Make it Easier.

At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we walk alongside you as you work to overcome your addiction to live a sober life.

What Is Brain Mapping?

Brain mapping is a method that is often used in therapy and rehabilitation to study how one’s brain operates in order to teach it to function more effectively.

Using neurofeedback, brain mapping allows you and our team to actually see what is going on in your head. This information will help our team to train your brain to seek healthier behaviors. Actually seeing the way your brain functions when addicted to drugs or alcohol will allow you to fully grasp the scope of your condition and pay better attention to your thoughts and behaviors going forward.

How Does Brain Mapping Work?

Brain mapping looks at four brain waves, divisions of electrical impulses in our brains, called:

  • Alpha waves, which are characterized by feeling reflective and restful
  • Beta waves, which represents the active mind, busyness, and attention
  • Delta waves, which affects sleeping and dreaming
  • Theta waves, which reflects drowsiness, relaxation, and an inward focus

These are also known as “frequency bands” and are defined as regular rhythmic patterns of neural activity in the brain. Brain mapping looks at these frequency bands to show us which areas of the brains are active.

How exactly are we able to see what is going on inside your brain? During a brain-mapping session, we place electrodes on your scalp. The electrodes are then attached to a monitor which shows your brainwaves as images. This method is known as an electroencephalogram (EEG) and only takes about 15 minutes. We then go on to analyze the brain map report to identify any problem areas, which we then show to our residents in a concise and easy to understand format.

The visuals showing which frequency bands are most and least active allows us to identify which bands our brains are using for addiction-related thinking, so we can stop the patterns of addiction in their tracks. We will show you how to engage and control your different frequency bands in order to optimize your addiction recovery and support your mental health.

Get in Touch with Chattanooga Recovery Center Today

At Chattanooga Recovery Center, brain mapping is just one of the many methods we use to facilitate sobriety. Using a variety of techniques and activities, you will be able to see and understand the complete picture of how your brain works under addiction and pay better attention to your thoughts and behaviors. This will grant you the tools you need to maintain your sobriety long after you leave our rehabilitation center.

Contact us today to get started on your journey to sobriety. We are available 24/7.


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