Beyond Addiction: The Importance of Mental Health Treatment in Recovery

In the journey of recovery from addiction, there’s a crucial factor that often gets overlooked—mental health. At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we believe in the power of comprehensive treatment that addresses not just the addiction but also the underlying mental health disorders that often co-occur. Our comprehensive mental health treatment program is a testament to this belief and an integral part of our approach to addiction recovery.

The Intersection of Mental Health and Addiction

Addiction doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s often intertwined with mental health disorders, creating a complex web that needs to be carefully addressed for successful recovery. Many people who struggle with addiction also experience mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These conditions can exacerbate the challenges of addiction, making recovery more complex.

We understand this intricate relationship. Our approach to treatment is centered on addressing both mental health disorders and addiction simultaneously. We believe that by doing so, we can provide our patients with the best possible chance at recovery.

Our Comprehensive Approach

Our mental health treatment program targets every area of life affected by addiction. We provide traditional therapy, outdoor excursions, volunteer opportunities, and educational sessions. With this, we aim to prepare individuals for ongoing recovery and a healthier lifestyle.

Adventure-Based Counseling

An innovative form of treatment we offer is adventure-based counseling. This approach involves outdoor team-building activities that generate positive experiences without substance abuse. These activities serve as conduits for change, opening individuals to the possibility of a happier, better life.

Brain Mapping

We also use state-of-the-art EEG biofeedback technology in a process called brain mapping. This technique allows us to examine patterns of addiction in the brain and train it to react and function in a healthier way.

Trauma Intervention

Understanding the strong correlation between trauma and substance abuse, we offer trauma intervention. This psychotherapeutic method helps mediate trauma, building strength and resilience in our residents.

Wellness Activities

Our wellness activities, including arts and culture events, fitness classes, and volunteer opportunities, are holistic programs that support both the body and mind. Backed by evidence-based research, these activities contribute to overall well-being and recovery.

Individualized Treatment Plans

No two individuals are the same, and neither are their paths to recovery. That’s why we focus on creating individualized treatment plans that take into account the unique needs and circumstances of each person. We believe in transparency and work closely with our patients to develop a plan that suits their specific needs.

Our services range from a Partial Hospitalization Program to an Intensive Outpatient Program and Nighttime Outpatient Treatment Program, all designed to provide the right level of care for each individual. We offer traditional therapy along with outdoor excursions, volunteer opportunities, and educational sessions to provide a holistic approach to recovery.

Our Commitment to Your Recovery

At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we are committed to helping anyone suffering from mental health disorders, trauma, and addiction reclaim their life. We provide a safe and healthy environment for mental health treatment and offer comfort and guidance for individuals with mental health disorders.

We understand that those who struggle with mental health deserve to live happy, healthy, and full lives. That’s why we’re dedicated to getting patients’ lives back on track and offering treatment options to guide individuals through their recovery journey.

Our team is available 24/7 to provide support and help individuals take the first crucial step towards recovery. We believe in the importance of mental health treatment in recovery and are here to assist every step of the way.

Remember, recovery is more than overcoming addiction; it’s about addressing mental health and creating a healthier, happier future. Contact us at (423) 226-5331 or click here to learn more.


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