Medication Assisted Treatment in Chattanooga
Addiction Detox Programs
Every person who is struggling with addiction has different needs. Some people benefit from full-time, immersive treatment programs, while others thrive in a less restrictive environment that allows them a little more freedom in the way their recovery progresses. For some people, incorporating a medical component into their treatment is necessary. Drugs that are very addictive create a chemical dependence that is difficult to break without the assistance of medication. For this reason, detox programs are available.
Our medication assisted treatment in Chattanooga may be a good treatment method for you if you are struggling to quit using drugs or alcohol with therapy and other non-medical programs alone. A detox program will provide a safe and effective way for you to work toward recovery. We can answer any questions you may have about our medication assisted treatment program, and can help you get started in the program. Contact us today!
To speak with our team and get started on your recovery, contact us online or call (423) 226-5331.
Recovery Is Hard. We Help Make it Easier.
At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we walk alongside you as you work to overcome your addiction to live a sober life.
Why Medication Assisted Treatment May Work for You
Although therapy and other programs can be effective ways to treat addiction, these programs on their own do not work for everybody. Addiction is a disease, and drug abuse can affect the body in ways that require medical intervention to correct. It’s possible that a non-medical program will not work for you, and medication assisted treatment is necessary for your recovery.
Medication assisted treatment may also be the only safe way for you to stop using drugs or alcohol. When a chemical dependence develops due to drug use, stopping use can result in severe withdrawal symptoms. Quitting “cold turkey” can cause the body to react negatively to not having the drug, and in some cases, withdrawal can be fatal.
To prevent the negative effects of ceasing drug use, medication assisted treatment allows people to taper down use by receiving less of a drug until they stop. Or, a person may be given a less potent form of the drug they are addicted to, which helps to weaken dependence. A person’s body will progressively get used to having less of a drug, and will therefore react less violently to the cessation of use. Medication assisted treatment allows people to stop using drugs with less severe withdrawal effects.
Types of Medication Assisted Treatment
There are many types of medications that are used in detox programs. The type of medication that will be used in your treatment will depend on the type of drugs you are using, how long you have been struggling with addiction, and other factors.
Medication assisted treatment may involve substances such as:
- Naltrexone
- Suboxone
- Sublocade
- Vivitrol
- Zubsolv
It is important to keep in mind that our Chattanooga medication assisted treatment program does not only involve the administration of medication. We will apply a well-rounded approach to your treatment that involves a combination of therapy and other treatment methods. Although non-medical methods alone may not have worked for you in the past, the combination of therapy and medication assisted treatment can be an effective way to address addiction issues.
Recovery is Just a Phone Call Away
We are here to answer your questions and help you get started on your recovery. You may still be unsure if medication assisted treatment is right for you, and if you may benefit from one of our other programs. We can advise you on which of our programs is best for your situation, and will help you get started on your recovery.
Send us a message or call (423) 226-5331 to learn more.
Real Recovery
At Chattanooga Recovery Center your recovery is possible, and we are here to help.
- Miles Neal & Jim Huber