Stimulant Addiction Treatment in Chattanooga

Treating All Kinds of Drug Addictions in Tennessee

If you believe you or a loved one is developing an addiction to stimulants, don’t wait to seek professional help. Despite the fact that 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, only 10 percent of them receive treatment. There are many reasons for this, one of them being that a lot of people think their addictions aren’t “that bad” and that they have to hit rock bottom before they check into rehab. However, our team at Chattanooga Recovery Center wants to stress that anyone can benefit from addiction treatment—including those with stimulant addictions. People who are addicted to stimulants like cocaine and meth are more at risk of overdosing and risking their lives. Calling our Tennessee center can, in fact, save your life.

Contact our team online or call (423) 226-5331 if you’re addicted to a stimulant like cocaine, crack, meth, or even a prescription medication like Adderall.

Recovery Is Hard. We Help Make it Easier.

At Chattanooga Recovery Center, we walk alongside you as you work to overcome your addiction to live a sober life.

Commonly Abused Stimulants

Stimulants describe a class of drugs, both legally prescribed and illegally purchased, that is frequently abused because of their euphoric and energy-inducing effects. Stimulants increase the levels of dopamine produced in the brain, which speeds up mental and physical processes, often leading to increased focus and energy. They’re also referred to as “uppers.”

Prescription stimulants are often used to treat conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which affects a person’s ability to focus. Some examples of prescription stimulants include Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta, all of which are often abused by those who rely on them to manage their heavy workloads and responsibilities.

Some of the most abused stimulants also include illicit substances. Some of these include:

  • Cocaine: This stimulant is often snorted in a white powder form, which crack cocaine, also known as “crack,” comes in the form of crystallized rocks and is smoked to achieve a euphoric high. People with addictions to cocaine often experience excitability, as well as nosebleeds, weight loss, and dilated pupils. Cocaine is known for its short-lived effects, which is why people often use more of it in a single session to achieve a longer-lasting high. This is also why cocaine addictions are fairly common.
  • Methamphetamine: Also known as “meth,” this stimulant can be found in crystal or powder form and is usually smoked or injected. However, meth abuse is also associated with a harder “crash” that produces negative effects like severe itching, broken teeth and dry mouth, and high body temperatures that can sometimes cause fainting.
  • Ecstasy: Also known as MDMA, ecstasy is an infamous “rave” or party drug because it’s frequently abused at raves and music festivals among young adults and teenagers. The drug enhances the levels of dopamine in the brain and results in an increased desire to take more, often leading to addiction.

Dangers of Stimulant Addiction

Stimulants are some of the most abused drugs in the world and are classified as Schedule II drugs because of their potential for severe dependence. While many enjoy the short-term effects of stimulant abuse, including increased alertness and arousal, stimulant addiction can lead to serious health effects over time. In 2011, there were 103,000 reported hospital emergency room visits related to methamphetamine complications.

Extended addiction to stimulants has been linked to body tremors, insomnia, and tooth decay, for example. People with meth addiction are often easily identified because of their poor dental hygiene. Stimulant addiction can also lead to heart attacks, brain damage, and organ damage, as well as sudden death.

How We Treat Stimulant Addiction

We offer an assortment of programs with the understanding that every addiction, including stimulant addiction, is different and needs a varied approach. If you require detox, for example, you may benefit from our medication-assisted treatment, while a working adult who doesn’t have time to attend therapy in the day can utilize our night outpatient treatment program. Don’t be afraid to give us a call so we can learn how to best help you.

Our substance abuse team has the tools and resources necessary to help you begin your recovery. Call us in Chattanooga today for stimulant addiction treatment at (423) 226-5331.


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