Top Summer Sobriety Tips

How to Stay on Your Path to Sobriety While Still Having Fun

Summertime is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, be with friends and family, and just relax. However, if you are recovering from substance use, the summer can also be a challenging time. There may be more opportunities to drink or use drugs at social gatherings, and you may feel more pressure to partake in these activities. Here are a few tips to consider.

Discuss Options with Your Support System

If you feel like you are struggling with temptation, talking to your support system can be helpful. This may include your sponsor, therapist, or sober friends. They can offer encouragement and help you develop a plan to stay on track.

Have a Game Plan

If you know you will be attending a social event where there will be drinking, it is crucial to have a game plan in place. This may include having a sober buddy with you, avoiding certain people or situations, and having an exit strategy if things get too overwhelming.

Focus on Your Recovery

It is also important to focus on your recovery during the summer months. This may mean attending extra meetings, reading recovery literature, or attending a sober retreat. No matter what you do, make sure you take care of yourself and your sobriety.

Choose Alternate Activities

There are plenty of fun activities in the summer that don’t involve drinking or using drugs. Consider going to the beach, hiking, biking, or exploring your city. There are also many sober festivals and events that you can attend. Some people in recovery also find ways to travel and explore new places while staying sober.

Take Breaks as Needed

If you feel overwhelmed, it is okay to take a break from social activities. It is important to listen to your body and your intuition. If you need some time to yourself, don’t hesitate to take it. There is no shame in taking care of yourself and your wellbeing.

Start Your Recovery Journey at Chattanooga Recovery Center

The summer can be a great time to enjoy the outdoors and socialize with friends. If you struggle with temptation or feel overwhelmed, remember that you are not alone.

Our team at Chattanooga Recovery Center is here to help you on your journey to recovery. We offer a variety of programs and services that can help you heal and rebuild your life. Contact us today to learn more.


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